Yes you heard me correctly while I searched for variating ways to burn bread I came across pictures and images on a website that made me think that there aren't enough people out there wearing helmets, cause you have to be certified retarded to do something like this.
(For more pictures of Thripples click here.)
A supernumerary nipple (also known as a third nipple, triple nipple, thripple(awesome!), accessory nipple, polythelia or the related condition: polymastia) is an additional nipple occurring in mammals, including humans. Often mistaken for moles, supernumerary nipples are diagnosed at a rate of 1 in 18 humans. (So that mean for every 18 people reading this one of you is caressing your "THRIPPLE" as you read this.
Now it turns out that some people are set up like frickin' cats and dogs with multiple "thripples" (fucking love that term). The nipples appear along the two vertical "milk lines", which start in the armpit on each side, run down through the typical nipples and end at the groin. They are classified into eight levels of completeness from a simple patch of hair to a milk-bearing breast in miniature.
Even famous people have the superflous nipple!
Mark Wahlberg
Supermodel Masuimi Max (It's said she actually has two)
And there are a few others such as; Lilly Allen, Mena Suvari, Supposedly Carrie Underwood, and even Krusty the clown according to the episode "Cap Krusty"
In closing weird piercings are a hit or miss, some are sexy some just give you a reason to make fun of that person. yes get your clit pierced, yes get your eyebrow or nose pierced, even nipples of the natural state...but please, please avoid piercing your eye lids, cheeks, elbows, knees, cankles, but skin, or any other odd ass place unless your into that sort of thing. speaking of whats the weirdest piercing you've ever seen!?
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