www.ShopByDesigns.com about an actual line of mother fuckin' Bacon Flavored Vodka I ahd no idea just how far some of us bacon fanatics would go!!(Note to my wonderful wife: If I come home to a bottle of bacon flavored Ciroc we're getting you help!)
An actual Vodka Line produced by Black Rock Spirits, LLC known as "Bakon Vodka" can be found at www.BakonVodka.com an is the typical 80 Proof vodka distilled with Idaho potatoes...and...wait for it...Bacon.
Now my first impression is that it probably tastes like baby shit (not sure but I could imagine). And what the hell would you mix with it? Well turns out Genevieve Koski of www.avclub.com took a bottle of "Svedka" Vodka and infused it with Bacon to do an interoffice taste test. Turns out if your into Bloody Marrys, you may actually dig the bacon additive. Although she claims the bacon-tonic, and Bacon-pineapple were not as successfull. You can view her post on avclub.com here for more on her tatse test and even videos!
As said before I love bacon but this shit might be a bit over the top, what's next ketchup vodka? Taco Bell Hot sauce Vodka? This may be the first thing Bacon DIDN'T make taste better.
So my true question is, with Cherry and grape bombs slowly pushing the all too familiar Jager bomb out of the picture, what will happen with the introduction of the BACON BOMB!!!/
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