Friday, May 29, 2009

Wii Dog?

Guess it's been a while but I just found this out yesterday so eat my pants...anyhow turns out theres a dog that can kick your ass at Wii, that's right...I said a Dog

Don't believe me? Watch the Videos lol

Dog Vs. Cat


KFC or a Bitch Slap!

KFC it's better than being slapped for forgetting!


Fan Humps Reporter

Now I know alot about anonymous random air humping, and after watching this I'm suddenly reminded of my late night drunken escapades at the Grocery Store!


Such A Helpful Young Man!

Best Eye Glasses Commercial Ever

Science Fair Gone Wrong

I dug up some old emails someone sent me and found these!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Bacon Rocks and Jiggles up and down it seems

The 2 Best Things in the World Combined!!!

God created one and a starving man created the other, but we all know the 2 Best things on earth are Boobs and Bacon...well some evil Genius (probably my childhood priest) came up with the perfect way to combine both!

Enter: The Bacon Bra

Notorious Apparel Customer of the Month!

Dutchie is a Pittsburgh Native who loves his Pittsburgh Sports Teams. He asked that I make him a T-shirt that had a bit of Yinzer pride, some black and gold, and a picture of Bea Arthur wearing only a tennis bracelet. (sorry Ducthie I'm not giving you my only Bea Arthur picture)So Below you can see pictures of Ducthie in his kick ass Pittsburgh T-shirt.

Ducthie may be one of the funnest people to drink with during a sports game. Everything from the enthusiasm for the game to childhood stories of prostitution, crime, and black market crop growing Dutch always knows how to make a nun smile. He prefers a Vegas Bomb over a Jager Bomb, blondes over brunettes (and by over we mean on top of), and long walks after electroshock sex via taser or car battery. All around Ducthie has been a big supporter of Notorious Apparel and is a truely kick ass guy. Without him I would have ended up black...whatever that means lol

p.s. below is our newest Pittsburgh fan tee get it today by click the pic! And They are ONLY $20!

Can't Rollerblade If You Don't Come Out!

Here's some Anti-Gay T-shirts for your ass...well your back not your ass what are you gay!?

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Now This Is How You Enter A Talent Show

Holy Matrimonial Mammaries Batpants!!!

Who designed this girls wedding dress? Little Kim? Either way I would like to hug the person...after of course I get a motor boat ride from the bride!

Pluto...You Dirty Dog!

Pluto the dog was recently added to the Megan's Law website. A site dedicated to introducing you to the millions of perverts that live in the apartments behind all your houses

At first she would back talk Bought I taught her to straighten up!

Mannn Fuck Earth Day!

Funny as hell "fuck the earth!"

Shot in the Head

The kids reaction to getting shot in the head with a paintball gun is the best part!

Boom Headshot - Watch more Funny Videos

50 cent Go Shorty Lizard

WTF! Volume 1

Coolest Office Prank Ever!

Star Wars / Departed Mash-Up

Origin Of The Swine Flu

Lil' Fucker!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Obama To Make Steelers Give Back Trophies

Recieved an email this morning that tickled me in that funny spot. So I figured I'd post it with some appropriate pictures.

Steelers to loose Super Bowl Trophies
Pittsburgh, PA. The Super Bowl XLIII Champion Pittsburgh Steelers, the only team to win six titles, will soon be loosing half of those trophies. After a meeting between NFL Commissioner Rodger Gadel and President Barack Hussain Obama, Obama decided to redistribute half of their Steeler Super Bowl victories and trophies to less fortunate teams in the league.

"We live everyday in the country that invented the Super Bowl." said Obama "We are not about to lose t his Great American tradition in the wake of these difficult times." Obama’s plan calls for the Steelers, who are a successful NFL team, to give half of their Super Bowl trophies to teams that are not successful or have not been as successful as the Steelers. "The Detroit Loins are just as much a part of the same fiber of the NFL as the Steelers and they should, no rather will, be entitled to a Super Bowl Trophy as well." Obama explains in his plan that he has imposed on Godel and the NFL.

The Pittsburgh Steelers, who by virtue of hard work, excellent team play, stellar draft choices, responsible investing of free agents, careful hiring of coaches and excellent community service and commitment to their fans, has prospered greatly during the past 30 years and have won six Super Bowl Trophies. But President Barack Hussain Obama’s plan calls for the Pittsburgh Steelers to carry the larger burden of the NFL’s less successful teams. Obama went on to further proclaim, "In these difficult times we are all in this to work together. We must reclaim the NFL Championship Dream for every team, for every city and for every fan."
"My plan will not affect 31 of the 32 teams in the league." Obama assures. That’s over 95 percent of the teams in the NFL will not have to worry about loosing any Super Bowl Trophies. "The worst teams in the NFL and the teams that can’t seem to get a break and win a championship will no longer have to worry about going without a title." Obama promises. "We are a country and league of hope. We all need to make a change. It does not matter the color of the teams uniforms, the personal decisions that the teams make or their performance but rather if they are a member of this great American league."

The Super Bowl XLIII trophy will be redistributed to the 0-16 Detroit Lions. Through no fault of their own incompetence, the Lions could not manage a victory all season and this trophy will help ease the pain of their lack of performance and give them hope once again. "The redistribution of Super Bowl XL trophy will go directly to the Steeler’s division rival the Cincinnati Bengals. The Bengals who also have fallen on hard times have never won a Super Bowl. This victory will bring a smile to hundreds of Bengal fans all over the world as they can now celebrate. Finally, one of the Steeler’s two Super Bowl victories over the=2 0Dallas Cowboys will go back to the Cowboys since the league needs to provide hope in the face of difficulty and provide hope in the face of uncertainty. This is a heavy burden for the Steelers but together we can all prosper.

All hope is not lost for Pittsburgh fans, Barack Hussain Obama has another plan in place. Obama has meet with MLB and commissioner Bud Selig on a similar plan. The New York Yankees will redistribute two of their world series trophies to the Pittsburgh Pirates as a supplement to their loosing 16 straight seasons and counting. This plan will help stimulate the Pirates and enable them to regain the American Dream. Barack Hussain Obama will be meeting with the NHL and Michael Phelps in the upcoming weeks as this issue is high on his agenda for "Hope and Change."
Steelers must now share their wealth and fruits of their success and hard work.
Obama provides hope to NFL teams.

It is said that Place Kicker Jeff Reed has taken the news kind of hard...


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ann Faris

Throughout the Scary Movie series I was never really super-impressed with Anna Faris. But lately (since my wife had me watch House Bunny) I've obviously changed my mind. But not for my normal perverse dimented reasons but rather the fact that she just really looks good with the Blonde Hair. She's a perfect example of how some changes can make a world of difference. Ad here's proof.



Watchmen Love it or Hate it?

Ok so I saw Watchmen this weekend and I'm curious what everyone else that saw it or heard about it thinks. I had highs and lows, and left the theater feeling confused, partly enjoying the movie, but also angry at the fact that I spent over $20 for me and my brother in law to repeatedly see man-ass and glowing blue wang! WTF!

So comic book movies are getting so terrible they decide nudity should be the answer? IF so hey Hollywood, wrong gender! ok so there was a 2 minute sex scene with the silk spectre, but one 2 minute scene compared to probably 45 minutes of mnaked dude it rediculous. It's like Eastern Promises times 10! (I'll never watch a movie with Vigo and not be able to remember the shower fight scene, scarred for life)

Anyway, the plot was hurting a bit, and most, not all, but most of the character concepts were gay as hell. I almost want to read the graphic novel to appreciate the possiblities of a good story. So now everything I search for on Watchmen almost always has a reference to how much man-ass and flopping blue members, even prompting one (most likely gay or Bi) UK fellow to comment on a blog saying "Americans don't like nudity" What!? Has this guy not been to a doctor's office in the US? We're so into nudity our doctors even order National Geographic so we have some waist length titties with bones through the nipples to look at. Now this isn't a homophobic rant, Cause Walk Hard was funny as hell, wrong but funny, same with forgetting Sara Marshall (even though I can't watch How I met your mother anymore).

It's the fact that the nudity seemed blatantly uneccesary, thrown in your face (no pun intended) with such obvious desperation as to make up for something the movie was lacking. And yes I'm even talking about the sex scene with the Silk Spectre. I am glad that she got naked and redeemed herself from HeartBreak Kid because after that movie every time I'd see this girl I'd see a crazy badger stuck in a dryer hairy ass vagina peeing on Ben Stillers Feet. So I guess Kudos to maing up for that. Anyway just my opinion, I feel that it came off as a terrible excuse to make an R-Rated dirty comic movie for all the fanboys out there in hope to help restore Kleenex sales due to the hurting Economy.

Quick Rundown: Cons

1. Blue Wang
2. Man-ass tons of it
3. Weak Plot
4. semi-gay Characters
5. Blue Wang
6. The Ending
7. Not even close to having enough Carla Gugino in it.


1. cinematography
2. special effects
3. Carla Gugino
4. fight scenes
5. rorschach-dude was a bad ass
6. the attempted plot idea (I like that it was 1985, and how they portrayed the world)
7. Last but not least the Silk Spectre's Costume!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Mondays Suck

A collection of funny monday videos

Love that on the last one, no one else even put the phone down to help dude out!

And Finally the difference between monday and friday

Florida Panthers Fan

The Pittsburgh Pens need more fans like this!

Hockey Game Boobs - video powered by Metacafe

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Britney Spears Wardrobe Malfunction

As the lights dim out and she heads backstage for a wardrobe change Britney was unaware her mike was on. lol We all know my love for Ms. Spears and her trucker mouth, trailer antics just make her even hotter. Listen closley as she proceeds to tell thousands of fans unknowingly, that her "Pussy is hanging out!"

Britney Spears Wardrobe Malfunction - Watch more Funny Videos

Help support all things Britney with these awesome tees!


I'm sure you may have seen some of these but I felt like listing them anyway...they are movies that tickle e in that funny spot just behind my testicles.

G.I. "Mutherfuckin" Joe- I'm so freakin excited about this movie I shit my pants on purpose just for effect!

Movie Trailers - G.I. Joe - Watch the best video clips here

Megan Fox 2...I mean TRansformers 2, same thing

Terminator 4 - I'm a huge Christian Bale movie fan, especially "Equilibrium", and even though I thought the last Terminator was a desperate attempt to subliminally turn everyone into homosexuals...this new installment promises to not suck in an extremely heterosexual way. Even introducing a new terminotr who is convinced he's human!

Public Enemies - The #1 kick ass actor in movies plays the #1 kick ass bank robber in america. I love old school bank robberies and would definitley rob a bank if my handicap prostitution ring wasn't so damn successful.

And Last but not least...

Star Trek - Being a heroes fan, or more so thinking Sylar is the shit and imagining an Ali Larter / Hayden Panettiere sandwich. I was all too excited to hear our Pittsburgh Native Zachary Quinto (Mutherfuckin Sylar) got the part as the Samuel L. Jackson of aliens...don't know spocks the shit.

There...those are the movies I plan to see, I'm sure I'll see more but I'm too lazy to go and search for the trailers. Looks like alot of action movies for 2009, so if your gay you may want to go see that fuckin chihuahua movie thats in the theaters now...or man-up, start liking Vagina, and come see the shoot'em up movies with the rest of us!

p.s. below is a list of movies Hollywood should make before I kick Hollywood in the man-pouch.

listed in order of importance to midgets:

1. Voltron (heard this may be in the works already)
2. Thunder Cats
3. remake Speed racer so it's cool
4. McGyver (FUCK YA!)

anyone have any others?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Ok so I'm surfing the net for the best recipe for toast when i ran across a bunch of links for third nipples. I know toast has no relation to nipples, but neither does soda an even though i didn't search "soda" on google I win. P.S. this paragraph makes no sense. But then again neither does getting your fucking third nipple pierced!

Yes you heard me correctly while I searched for variating ways to burn bread I came across pictures and images on a website that made me think that there aren't enough people out there wearing helmets, cause you have to be certified retarded to do something like this.

(For more pictures of Thripples click here.)

A supernumerary nipple (also known as a third nipple, triple nipple, thripple(awesome!), accessory nipple, polythelia or the related condition: polymastia) is an additional nipple occurring in mammals, including humans. Often mistaken for moles, supernumerary nipples are diagnosed at a rate of 1 in 18 humans. (So that mean for every 18 people reading this one of you is caressing your "THRIPPLE" as you read this.
Now it turns out that some people are set up like frickin' cats and dogs with multiple "thripples" (fucking love that term). The nipples appear along the two vertical "milk lines", which start in the armpit on each side, run down through the typical nipples and end at the groin. They are classified into eight levels of completeness from a simple patch of hair to a milk-bearing breast in miniature.

Even famous people have the superflous nipple!

Mark Wahlberg

Supermodel Masuimi Max (It's said she actually has two)

And there are a few others such as; Lilly Allen, Mena Suvari, Supposedly Carrie Underwood, and even Krusty the clown according to the episode "Cap Krusty"

In closing weird piercings are a hit or miss, some are sexy some just give you a reason to make fun of that person. yes get your clit pierced, yes get your eyebrow or nose pierced, even nipples of the natural state...but please, please avoid piercing your eye lids, cheeks, elbows, knees, cankles, but skin, or any other odd ass place unless your into that sort of thing. speaking of whats the weirdest piercing you've ever seen!?


I've told everyone for years that Bacon makes everything taste better, eggs, pizza, sandwiches, vaginas, salads, burgers, baked beans, did I say "Vaginas"? Sorry about that...but it's true! Anyway basic point "Bacon makes it taste better" has been a sloution one too many times in my life. But until I got a Tweet on my twitter (wow that sounds dirty) from a friend Susan who owns about an actual line of mother fuckin' Bacon Flavored Vodka I ahd no idea just how far some of us bacon fanatics would go!!(Note to my wonderful wife: If I come home to a bottle of bacon flavored Ciroc we're getting you help!)

An actual Vodka Line produced by Black Rock Spirits, LLC known as "Bakon Vodka" can be found at an is the typical 80 Proof vodka distilled with Idaho potatoes...and...wait for it...Bacon.

Now my first impression is that it probably tastes like baby shit (not sure but I could imagine). And what the hell would you mix with it? Well turns out Genevieve Koski of took a bottle of "Svedka" Vodka and infused it with Bacon to do an interoffice taste test. Turns out if your into Bloody Marrys, you may actually dig the bacon additive. Although she claims the bacon-tonic, and Bacon-pineapple were not as successfull. You can view her post on here for more on her tatse test and even videos!
As said before I love bacon but this shit might be a bit over the top, what's next ketchup vodka? Taco Bell Hot sauce Vodka? This may be the first thing Bacon DIDN'T make taste better.

So my true question is, with Cherry and grape bombs slowly pushing the all too familiar Jager bomb out of the picture, what will happen with the introduction of the BACON BOMB!!!/

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

St. Patricks Day T-shirts


And you know what that beer, drunken sing alongs, and awesome t-shirts starting at just $12.



CLICK on any of the designs to see all styles and colors, or click on St. Patty's Day Tees to view the entire section of Irish and St. Patricks Day T Shirts.

Get your green on with an Irish T Shirt fromwww. NotoriousApparel. com


SAVE $5 off $50
ENTER: DWELTSQUARE (at checkout)
OFF EXPIRES 3/9 So Hurry!!

www. NotoriousApparel. com

Thursday, February 19, 2009

In A Snuggie

WERD!!! Is that a Snuggie!? You mean I can get up to go to the bathroom and not have to be cold while droppin' a deuce? You realize that now I can sew a quilt while wearing blanket? Holy shit the activities you can do with a are endless and prove this wonderment known as the Snuggies to be quite can even wash your car without having to leave the comfort of your woobie! No more sex in the garage behind the water heater, No more having to put a coat on to run for a sixpack! Thanks to the Snuggie you can even have Prison sex without catching a chill...Thanks Snuggie!!

Thanks to the new fad sweeping the nation, we are now even lazier than before. And until today I had completley written off the snuggie for a cheap in-law gift, another stupid reason to put even more indonesian kids to work, Or a way of saying "Sorry about last night, you said you liked it there, plus i thought you wear asleep". But today was different today I saw this video.

Now if they could just do something to close up the back...

Friday, January 16, 2009

ANTI-Valentines Day T shirts

Don't like Valentine's Day? Wish you could just protest it every year? Now you can with Notorious Apparel funny t shirts! has all new Valentines Day and Anti-Valentines Day designs that will make your head spin. Referencing everything from the Shocker, to VD and more! CLICK HERE to see our Valentine's Day tshirts section.

Last Years Favorites

Act Now and save $5 off of a purchase of $50 or more!
ENTER the code:NEWLOOK at checkout
Hurry, offer expires soon!

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