Monday, December 22, 2008

Burger King Announces the release of "Flame" Cologne

Alright so there's two things in the world I love, the first obviously being the female anatomy, but a very close runner-up is meat. Tasy Tasy meat...burgers, steaks, beef stew, you name it I consume it. Most likely I'll die of cholesteral or some shit, but who cares. Meat is meat and meat tastes good.

Well as much as I love meat I can't help but feel as though Burger King may have taken the love of consuming dead animals a bit too far. Burger King recently announced their new men's Fragrance, yes that's right a cologne. Burger King has released a cologne called "Flame". They describe it as "The new secent of seduction, with a hint of flame-broiled meat". And no shit, it's actually meat flavored!

And for the ultimate kicker, a bottle is a whole whopping $3.99! So for less than a pack of smokes you could walk around smelling like a Whopper! The again if your a chubby chaser this could come in handy. two sprays of this essence of flame broiled ground chuck and they'll be swarming to you like a free buffet. Just be careful they don't mistake you for a side of beef, and by no means apply this delicate fragrance if your going on a date with a bulimic because they'll just fuck you then throw up on your floor!
I personally plan to buy some of this burger in a bottle, dowsin myself like a french whore and attendin every PETA convention I can.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Dude I've been nut punched but this is rediculous! the look on her face is classic!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Happy March 14th! Steak and BJ Day!

Steak - Watch more free videos

This is the greatest idea ever created! I have been a supporter of this holiday for years. Men break there wallets over flowers, dinner, gifts, lotions, handcuffs, velcro straps, got carried away, anyway once a year we dedicate an entire day to your needs to show you how much we care. So how about it? Come on just a kiss, maybe lick the shaft, tickle my balls, come on please? Oh and medium rare on that steak!

Happy Steak and BJ Day guys!

99 Words for Boobs!

This was sent to me by a friend via email. I almost broke a rib laughing!

99 Words For Boobs - Watch more free videos

Check out this funny t-shirt from:

Swear Jar

Funny as Hell!!

Go Browns!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I never get tired of Rednecks

check out these tees!

Ol' Blue eyes ~ Strangers on My Flight

Now this shit should be played at all airports on a constant loop! credited to Beefsteak

click the on Frank!